Richard Fortey
Richard Fortey was the winner of the 2016 Richard Jefferies
Society and White Horse Bookshop Literary Prize for his book The Wood for the Trees: The Long View of Nature from a
Small Wood. He wrote in it: ‘After a working life spent in a great museum, the time had come
for me to escape into the open air. I spent years handling fossils of extinct
animals; now, the inner naturalist needed to touch living animals and plants.’
In 2011, after retiring from his role as senior
palaeontologist at the Natural History Museum, and with the proceeds of
presenting a TV series, he purchased four acres of prime beech and bluebell
wood in the Chiltern Hills, Oxfordshire called Grim’s Dyke Wood – part of
Lambridge Wood.
The Society is delighted to welcome Richard Fortey to deliver this
year’s Birthday Lecture that is held in Liddington Village Hall.
The meeting is open to the public and free to attend.