The principal aim of The Richard Jefferies Society Journal is to present material by Jefferies that has not been published or reprinted, or that is difficult to obtain, together with articles about Jefferies (commissioned or submitted), items of research and discovery, synopses of talks and lectures, book reviews, information relating to places where Jefferies lived, and correspondence.

The contents are listed below and the Journals can be read and downloaded in pdf format. 

Download here: Journals are accessible from one folder. 

Please note that copyright rules apply.  


Number 1 – 1992 
Alone in London… by Richard Jefferies
T.T.T. by Richard Jefferies
Greater Gardens by Richard Jefferies
Lawn Preserves by Richard Jefferies
Edward Thomas on the Country of Richard Jefferies by Andrew Rossabi
Letter to W H Hudson by Edward Thomas
Mouching Through Jefferies by Brian Rich
Richard Jefferies and the Plesiosaur by Phyllis Treitel
A Collector’s List of Jefferies Titles

Number 2 – 1993
Reporting; Editing & Authorship (Part) by Richard Jefferies
English Socialists by Richard Jefferies
The Future of Farming; letter to Times of 15 October 1873 by Richard Jefferies
Jefferies’ Reading by W J Keith
A Tribute to Bill Keith by Andrew Rossabi
The Other Side: Visions of America by Phyllis Treitel
Book Reviews: 1) Richard Jefferies. A Bibliographical Study. 2 ) Hodge & His Masters: a new edition

Number 3 – 1994
Reporting; Editing & Authorship (Part) by Richard Jefferies
Chapters on Churches I by Richard Jefferies
The Nude in London by Richard Jefferies
Mound Restorers by Richard Jefferies
The Bevis Country by Mark Daniel
Book Reviews: 1) The Marlborough Downs. 2) Life of Henry David Thoreau

Number 4 – 1995
Chapters on Churches II by Richard Jefferies
January Notes by Richard Jefferies
The Midnight Skate by Richard Jefferies
The Fiction of Richard Jefferies by Edward Thomas
On ‘The Scarlet Shawl’ by Andrew Rossabi
‘The Forward Life of Richard Jefferies’: A Personal Response by W J Keith

Number 5 – 1996
A Book Review – ‘Sport & Nature in Scotland’ by Richard Jefferies
Charles Jefferies by Nancie D Jefferies Cator
An Uncomfortable Antiquary: Richard Jefferies and Victorian Local History by John Chandler
History and Tradition in Richard Jefferies’ ‘Three Centuries at Home’ by J B Smith
Jefferies and Cassell’s Family Magazine by W J Keith
Book Review: Nearly out of Heart and Hope.
Cyril Wright 1909-1995
Index – Numbers 1-5

Number 6 – 1997
Chapters on Churches by Richard Jefferies
The Dragon at Ashdown by Richard Jefferies
Sun-spots by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies at Tolworth by Peter K Robins
Voyage to the Unknown Island: an exploration of Richard Jefferies’ Bevis by Jonathan Calder

Number 7 – 1998
The Gamekeeper’s Larder by John Watson – (Not included. Once thought to be by RJ but proved otherwise by Rebecca Welshman 2/12/2010.)
The Coming Voter by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies ‘The Coming Voter’ by Diana Morrow
Richard Jefferies, Bevis and Children’s Literature by Peter Hunt

Number 8 – 1999
Jack Brass, Emperor of England by Richard Jefferies
Thoughts on the Labour Question by Richard Jefferies
‘Thoughts on the Labour Question’: An Alternative View by Diana Morrow
Book Review: Writers in a Landscape.

Number 9 – 2000
Richard Jefferies: A Personal Discovery by Jeremy Hooker
Richard Jefferies in Germany by Peter Eyink
Introduction to the German edition of ‘The Story of My Heart’ by Ellen Key
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Andrew Rossabi
Book Review: Wessex-Peter Tolhurst

Number 10 – 2001
Chapters on Churches III by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies and Birds by W J Keith
The Art and Craft of Richard Jefferies by John Savage
Book Review: The English Path
Index numbers 6-10

Number 11 – 2002
In Summer Fields by John Watson – (Not included. Once thought to be by RJ but proved otherwise by Rebecca Welshman 2/12/2010.)
The Dewy Morn: Jefferies, Being and History by Roger Ebbatson
Richard Jefferies and Thomas Hardy: Parallel Lives? by Carolyn Clarke
Was ‘Dad’ Uzzell ever at Hodson Cottage? by Ken Watts
Book Review: At Home on the Earth

Number 12 – 2003
The Man of the Future by Richard Jefferies
A Fragment of Manuscript by Richard Jefferies
Could Richard Jefferies have been an Artist instead of a Writer?  by Andrew Rossabi
Time and Eternity in Jefferies’ Thought by Simon Coleman

Number 13 – 2004
Selections from Richard Jefferies’ 1876 Notebook by John Pearson
Margaret Thomas, Sculptor of the Bust of Richard Jefferies in Salisbury Cathedral by Kedrun Laurie
Kisses of the Sun by Jo-Anne Smith

Number 14 – 2005
Selections from Richard Jefferies’ 1876 Notebook by John Pearson
Richard Jefferies’ Writing Criticised and Defended by Eric Jones
Henry Williamson’s Debt to Richard Jefferies by Richard Stewart
Book Review: Henry Williamson: A Bibliography

Number 15 – 2006
Selections from Richard Jefferies’ 1876 Notebook by John Pearson
Humanity and Natural History by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies: An Independent Mind by Hugoe Matthews
Literary Landscapes, Richard Jefferies and the Planning Inspector by Mark Daniel
Book Reviews: 1) Landscape, Writing and ‘The Condition of England’, 1878-1917, Ruskin to Modernism and 2) An Imaginary England. Nation, Landscape and Literature, 1840-1920
Index numbers 11-15

Number 16 – 2007
The Coming Woman by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies and the Nature Tradition by Brian Morris
‘Nature’ in the Works of Richard Jefferies by Chen Ying

Number 17 – 2008
The Labourer and his Hire by Richard Jefferies
The Gamekeeper away from Home by Eric Jones
The Birds in Bevis by Michael Taylor
Richard Jefferies and the Classics by Andrew Rossabi
Book Review – Richard Jefferies and the Ecological Vision

Number 18 – 2009
The Peripatetic Philosopher and the Boy Preacher by Richard Jefferies
Who read Richard Jefferies? The evidence of the North fund subscription list by Kedrun Laurie
The Healing Benefits of ‘Meadow Thoughts’ by George Leslie Irons
Bevis’s American snap-shooter by Mark Daniel
Poem ‘From some letters never sent’ by Neil Curry
Book Review of Moment on Earth
Book Review of Richard Jefferies: An Index

Number 19 – 2010 (RJS 60th AnniversaryEdition)
The Power of the Farmers by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies: His Mark by Hugoe Matthews
A letter from Alfred Williams to Jonathan Denwood
Small Acorns: An Appreciation of the Early Fiction of Richard Jefferies by Margaret Evans
Jefferies Discoveries by Rebecca Welshman
Book Review The West Country: A Cultural History

Number 20 – 2011
Machiavelli: a Study by Richard Jefferies
Jefferies and Astronomy by Rebecca Welshman
What Counts as Regional Writing by Eric Jones
Bibliographical Discoveries by Rebecca Welshman
His First Biographer: a Profile of Sir Walter Besant by Andrew Rossabi
An Exchange of Letters between the Bishop of Salisbury and Walter Besant
Book Review Richard Jefferies: An Anthology

Number 21 – 2011 Autumn
‘Out of the Season’ by Richard Jefferies
Transcript of Christine Billing’s address on the opening of the Richard Jefferies Museum at Coate, June 24, 1960
The Jefferies Festival - 1911 by Kate Tryon
‘In Memory of Jefferies: a Pretty Ceremonial in Wiltshire’, The Observer, June 11, 1911
‘Richard Jefferies and Sport: the Pursuit of an Ideal’, Rebecca Welshman
A note from Elizabeth Jefferies to her niece, Sarah Jane Gyde
Book Review - Mapping the Wessex Novel: Landscape, History and the Parochial in British Literature, 1870-1940

Number 22 – 2012 Spring
‘Kiss and Try: A Tale of St Valentine’ by Richard Jefferies
‘The Machine in the Wheatfield: Steam-Power in the Victorian Countryside’ by Roger Ebbatson
Elizabeth Jefferies’ Letters to Sarah Jane Gyde by John Price
Two letters from Richard Jefferies to his Aunts
Book Review – a new edition of Jefferies’ Wild Life in a Southern County with an introduction by Richard Mabey

Number 23 – 2012 Summer
Concerning Coate.  A letter from Richard Jefferies to Oswald Crawfurd
‘Saving Kennicott’s Grove: Successful Conservation at an American Coate’ by Eric Jones
‘Bevis and Arthur Ransome’s Swallowdale’ by Janice M. Lingley
Memorial to Richard Oliver Launcelot Jefferies by Andrew Rossabi
‘From Drought to Storm: meteorological phenomena at the time of Jefferies’ Death’ by Rebecca Welshman
Jefferies’ Centenary by E.J. Rogers
From an Accident by a Runaway Horse (poem) by Mary Jefferies

Number 24 – 2012 Winter
‘Idea for a new magazine’: a conspectus by Richard Jefferies
‘Phase-shifting’ by Amal El-Mohtar. Winning poem for RJS Poetry Competition 2012.
‘Curator of Ammonites’ – poem by Jill Sharp
‘Stugged’ – poem by Jos Smith
‘Women in the Field’, by Roger Ebbatson
‘Richard Jefferies, the nature writer as innocent Adam’ by Norman Chaney
‘Imagining Archaeology: Nature and Landscape in the Work of Richard Jefferies’ (Part I) by Rebecca Welshman.

Number 25 – 2013 Summer
Notes about a Tricycle by Richard Jefferies with observations by Rebecca Welshman
Letter about Richard Jefferies’ Father by Isabella Warde
Owners of Jefferies’ Farm by Frances J. Gay
Imagining Archaeology: Nature and Landscape in the Work of Richard Jefferies (Part Two) by Rebecca Welshman
Book Review: The Rise of Maximin by Richard Jefferies by WJ Keith
Index of Numbers 21-25

Number 26 – 2014 Summer
Beatrice and the Centaur: A Fantasy by Richard Jefferies
Introduction to ‘Beatrice and the Centaur’ by Samuel Looker
The Windhover and Richard Jefferies by Roger Ebbatson
Richard Jefferies and Bird Life by Brian Morris
Sources of Protein for Rural People in Richard Jefferies’ Day by Eric Jones
The price of flour in 1788 – letter to Richard Jefferies’ great grandfather from William Jefferies
Letter to his mother by Richard Jefferies
Jefferies praises Besant by Andrew Rossabi
The Man in the Tumulus by J B Jones
Book review: Roger Ebbatson’s Landscape and Literature 1830-1914

Number 27 – 2014 Winter
Suez-Cide!! by Richard Jefferies
Introduction to ‘The Goose-Girl’ by Andrew Rossabi
‘The Goose-Girl. A Tale of the Year 1999’ by Eliza Keary
‘Jefferies’ Land’ and Kipling’s Puck of Pook’s Hill Stories (Part 1) by Janice Lingley
Melancholy Accident at the Coate Reservoir by Andrew Rossabi
Jefferies à la Carte by Peter Robins
Book Review: Eric Jones’ Revealed Biodiversity

Number 28 –2015 Summer
A Little Stream by Richard Jefferies
Jefferies’ Convolvulus – pencil sketch by Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies’ Broomrape Sketch by John Price
Two letters to Samuel Looker by Phyllis Hargrave
‘Jefferies’ Land’ and Kipling’s Puck of Pook’s Hill Stories (Part 2) by Janice Lingley
The Marabar Echo: Forster and Jefferies by Roger Ebbatson
W. E. Henley on Jefferies by W. E. Henley
Afterword about W. E. Henley by Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies and the Metaphysics of Wild Flowers by Rosamond Richardson

Number 29 –2015 Winter
The Monkbourne Mystery by Richard Jefferies
The Grave of the Last Abbot by Richard Jefferies
The Gothic Jefferies by George Miller
William Strang: The Jefferies Portrait by Peter Robins
The Story of The Scarlet Shawl by George Miller
Richard Jefferies: the Sensation Novel, and George Gissing’s New Grub Street by Andrew Rossabi

Number 30 –2016 Summer
Choice and Description of Guns by Richard Jefferies
The Shooting Book by George Miller
Broad Church Transcendalism? Remarks on the Lost essays of Richard Jefferies by Simone Kotva
Woman in the Works of Richard Jefferies by Caroline A Foley
Afterword about Caroline A Foley by Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies, Journalist by Barry Sloan
Index to Journals 26-30

Number 31 –2016 Winter
Sipping the Season by Richard Jefferies
After London: unfinished masterpiece? by George Miller
Jefferies’ London by Simon Coleman
Richard Jefferies: Nature Near London by Naomi Racz
To Richard Jefferies by Julian Bell
Marsh Birds Pass Over London by Julian Bell
Julian Bell: Bloomsbury Poet by Peter Robins
Review of Jeremy Hooker’s Scattered Light by Richard Stewart
Review of Richard Jefferies’ Ben Tubbs Adventures and The Farmer’s World by Jeremy Hooker

Number 32 –2017 Summer 
130th Anniversary Edition - 200pp
On Allotment Gardens by Richard Jefferies
Pasture and Population by Richard Jefferies
The Dawn and Richard Jefferies by Andrew Rossabi
The Later Richard Jefferies Speaks by Samuel J. Looker
The Grey Walls Press by Peter Robins
Helen Thomas’s Letter to Samuel Looker
Edward Thomas: Prose into Poetry by Richard Stewart
Richard Jefferies by Lisle March Phillipps
‘The Great Earth Speaking’: Richard Jefferies and the Transcendentalists by Roger Ebbatson
Richard Jefferies: Liddington Castle by Charles Hamilton Sorley (poem)
John, Alice and ‘Squire’ Brook by George Miller
George Baxter by Jean Saunders
Richard Jefferies and John William North by Steve P. Milton
Richard Jefferies: the Tender Mercies of a Great  Naturalist by Arthur Harvie
Lore, Legend and Literary Allusion in Greene Ferne Farm by Janice M. Lingley
Richard Jefferies by Mary Geoghegan (poem)
Thinking our way to a Greener Future: New Horizons for the Study of Literature and Sustainability by Rebecca Welshman
Richard Jefferies by anonymous (poem)
Sketches from Jefferies’ Notebook VI (wild succory and bryony)
Book Review: Diary of a Stroke by Jeremy Hooker (review by Roger Ebbatson)
Book Review: Middle Ridgeway by E. Jones & P. Dillon (review by Janice M. Lingley)

Number 33 - 2018 Theme: Richard Jefferies as seen from abroad (150pp)
Extracts from Ben Tubbs Adventures ― Richard Jefferies
John Burroughs’ Letter to Harold Jefferies― John Burroughs
Introducing John Burroughs, 1837-1921― Phyllis Treitel
Notes on Richard Jefferies― Samuel A. Jones MD
The Vogue of Richard JefferiesNorman Foerster
Jefferies’ ‘Little Book’― Henry Miller
Richard Jefferies [poem]Newton Marshall Hall
The Discovery of a Master― Kate Tryon
Richard Jefferies― Alice Clarke Mullen
Jefferies, Whitman and William Sharp― George Miller
Alice Clarke Mullen’s Letters to Samuel Looker and The Story without an End― Jean Saunders
Introduction to An English Village― Hamilton Wright Mabie
Richard Jefferies: A Liberal Nature― Samuel A. Jones
Richard Jefferies: A Pagan Mystic― Benjamin De Casseres
Richard Jefferies― Richard Maurice Bucke
Richard Jefferies― James Franklin Fuller
Bevis à l’écolePeter Robins                                                                     
The French Point of ViewEdith Sichel
Richard Jefferies: An Attempt at an Estimate― Clinton Joseph Masseck
Afterword: Clinton Joseph Masseck ― Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies launches an American Collector’s Passion―Philip R. Bishop
Finding Work for Harold Jefferies ―Editors
Book Review: Mark Frost’s Intro to a new edition of Jefferies’ After LondonRoger Ebbatson 
Book Review: Roger Ebbatson’s Landscapes of Eternal Return: Tennyson to HardyRebecca Welshman  

Number 34 - 2019 Theme: Reminiscences of Richard Jefferies (150pp)
Snowed up: A Mistletoe Story ― Richard Jefferies
‘Hyperion: The Young Jefferies and Homer’ ― Richard Jefferies
To Richard Jefferies: In Homage ― S J Looker
Richard Jefferies’ Letter to J. Goudge Esq. ― Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies ― Frederick Greenwood
Doubting Thomas ― W. Beach Thomas
Richard Jefferies’ Funeral J.W. North
A Friend in Reverend Blight? ― Jean Saunders
‘Our dear brother here departed’: The Broadwater Funeral Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies’ Religion ― T. Hanson Lewis
‘An Interview’ with Charles Jefferies ― article in the Pall Mall Gazette
Reminiscences of Richard Jefferies Audrey Horsell
Walter T. Spencer: Bloomsbury Bookseller Peter Robins
The Charm of Three Great Idlers Florence Bone
Richard Jefferies’ ‘Nurse’
Reminiscences of Swindon and the Jefferies’ family Fanny C. Hall  & Florence Bott
Richard Jefferies: Field-Naturalist and Littérateur Oswald Crawfurd
The Forbears of Richard Jefferies ― Jefferies Luckett
Melilot, Cushat and Merle Peter Robins
Memories of My Father ― Richard Harold Jefferies
The Cupid at Coate ― Joseph Hall
List of Author Inscribed and Associated Copies of Richard Jefferies Books George Miller
Letter to Dr. Alfred Theodore Rake from Jefferies Father ― James Luckett Jefferies
Twenty Years of My Life (extract) ― Douglas Sladen
November Sixth ― Donald Culross Peattie
Our River and its Denizens ― Letters to the Pall Mall Gazette
Lasting ― Tom Saunders
Minnie Charles Remembers
Critique: Jem Poster’s Thomas’s biography of Richard Jefferies ― Andrew Rossabi
Book Review: Andrew Rossabi’s A Peculiarly English Genius, Vol I ― Rebecca Welshman

Number 35 – 2020
Social Pauperism ― Richard Jefferies
Preface to Gilbert White's The Natural History of Selborne ― Richard Jefferies
Introduction to the Preface to White’s Selborne ― George Miller
Walter Scott, the Publisher ― George Miller
Richard Jefferies Society, 21st Anniversary 1950-1971 ― Henry Williamson
Richard Jefferies (poem) ― Harold Jolliffe
Thomas Hardy and Richard Jefferies ― Roger Ebbatson
Pining for the Country ― Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies and the Unknown GodGilbert Coleridge
Richard JefferiesArthur Symons
‘Daft Dick’Habberton Lulham
Jefferies 1848-87
  • As Nature Writer Sir Wm. Beach Thomas
  • As Novelist Samuel J. Looker
  • As Essayist C. Henry Warren
The New Books: Richard Jefferies Edward Gilpin Johnson
Jefferies’ Round About a Great Estate and Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Brushwood Boy’― Janice Lingley
Richard Jefferies’ Amaryllis at the Fair ― Edward Garnett
Something About Richard Jefferies ― Amos Steinhardt
A Study of Richard Jefferies ― Charles Fisher
The Vagabond in Literature ― Arthur Rickett
The Country as ‘Copy’ ― Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
Richard Jefferies and Cirencester ― Eric Jones
Richard Jefferies ― M.R. Hoste
Jefferies' Letter Unearthed in Canadian Library - the editors
Homage to a Rural Visionary ― Kenneth Allsop
Afterword: Kenneth Allsop ― Peter K. Robins
Some Aspects of the Work of Pierre Loti ― J. Fitzgerald
Richard Jefferies ― Stet
Henry Beston ― Henry Beston Society
Book Review: Jefferies’ L’Histoire de mon coeur ― Roger Ebbatson
Book Review: Jefferies’ Agriculture and the Land ― Eric Jones
Index to Journals 31-35

Number 36 - 2021

The Coate Water Regatta ― Richard Jefferies
The Swindon Plesiosaur ― Richard Jefferies
The View from Crowborough ―The Editors
The Ammoniaphone ― Jean Saunders
22 Victoria Street ― Swindon Advertiser
Unveiling a Memorial Tablet at Coate ― Swindon Advertiser
Richard Jefferies: Natural Historian of the English Countryside ― Herbert M. Vaughan
Jefferies and Richard Adams ― George Miller
Richard Jefferies ― Holbrook Jackson
Richard Jefferies as a Reader and Book Lover ― Samuel J. Looker
An Uncivil List ― Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies (poem) ― Newton M. Hall
‘The Child Wanders in the Wood’ Poetic Naturalists: Richard Jefferies ― Rev. R. Waddell
Richard Jefferies and the Open Air ― Lymington
Letters on Literature ― Rev. Thomas Warham (Lionel Lit)
Lives and Works of Richard Jefferies ― Q.D. Leavis
Introduction to Wild Life in a Southern County ― Richard Mabey
Crowborough Beacon ― Eliza Brightwen
Climbing a Belfry ― J. R. S. C.
The Prose of Selborne ― Robert Blatchford
Some Unpublished Manuscripts ― George Miller
The Perils of Eulogy ― Julian Hawthorne
The Turnpike House on Coate Road ― Jean Saunders
Richard Jefferies [poem] ― W.H.A. Ewance
‘Unique and Original’: A poet’s Introduction to The Story of My Heart ― Elizabeth Jennings
Sarah Orne Jewett ― Peter Robins
Book Review: Jeremy Hooker’s Ditch Vision ― Roger Ebbatson

Number 37 - 2022

Swindon Grand Steeple Chase ― Richard Jefferies
Extracts from Jefferies’ Manuscripts ―Samuel J. Looker
Would Richard Jefferies have made a more successful art critic than an expert on rural life?      ―Phyllis Treitel
Richard Jefferies ― Maurice-Pierre Boyé
Introduction to Jefferies’ Wild Life in a Southern County ―Desmond Hawkins
Vassar Miscellany
    ―Richard Jefferies by Linda D. Bishoprick
    ―As Seen Through His Writings by Sylvia Tryon
    ― Light Effects on the Open Air by Doris Sutton
In Memoriam―Richard Jefferies [poem] ―Wilfred L. Randell
Mr. Jefferies’s Bevis ―anon
Bevis: The Story of a Boy an Introduction ―George Miller
Bevis as an Educational Tool
Harry Jefferies ―Jean Saunders
Writer’s Ancestor: Hayward Boy in Society
Stone Reading on Burderop Down [poem] ―Wendy MacLeod-Gilford
From Burderop Down to Hodson―Time Warp [poem] ― Wendy MacLeod-Gilford
In Praise of the Country ―H. D. Traill
Richard Jefferies [poem] ―Philip Alexander Bruce
Half Poacher, Half Poet ―Gerald Abraham
Richard Jefferies on the Airways ―Peter Robins
Books and People: Richard Jefferies ―Adrian Bell
Hodge: Wheatfield or Battlefield? ―Peter Robins
An Island in Sunshine ―Florence E. Pettit
Over the Old Road―Andrew Soutar
Ships in the Night: Richard Jefferies and W.H. Hudson ―Conor Mark Jameson
Frederick Philip Grove, Richard Jefferies, and John Burroughs: Connections, Loose Threads, and Dead Ends ―Gideon Perret
Ghosts on Horseback and a Hero’s Return ― George Miller
Coming to Coate [poem] ―Ronald Richard Cretchley
‘Mr. Jefferies’ wonderful talent’ ― unsigned obituary
Richard Jefferies [poem] ―Pamela Tennant
Richard Jefferies [poem]―Erwin F. Smith
Review of Greene Ferne Farm

Number 38 – 2023

A Railway-Accidents Bill― Richard Jefferies
The Shipton Accident― Richard Jefferies
The Flying Dutchman―Richard Jefferies (introduced by Rebecca Welshman)
Richard Returns (poem)―Zaguan
Over Marlboro’―Wilfrid Ewart
Edward Thomas, Richard Jefferies and Wiltshire―W.J. Keith
Idyllists of the Countryside―George H. Ellwanger
Two Poems/Hymns―Anna McCourt
The Last Days of Richard Jefferies―Catherine Winkworth Mackintosh
Wiltshire Summer Sunday, 1866 (poem)―Roger Frith
Richard Jefferies, the Nature Mystic of the Wiltshire Downs―Fred J. Lazell
Richard Jefferies―Margaret Thomas
Echoes from Salisbury― Peter Robins
‘It was between the may and the rose’ (poem)― Fay Inchfawn
Word Painting from Nature― J.D.
Concerning Restless Human Hearts:
     Richard Jefferies’ letter to William Tinsley―Rebecca Welshman
     Review in the Daily News
     Review in The Observer


Number 39 – 2024

The Coming Voter ― Richard Jefferies
Two Poems:‘To a Fashionable Bonnet’ & ‘The Battle of 1866’― Richard Jefferies
‘Bent on emptying his note-book in decent English’: Richard Jefferies, naturalistic observation, and English dialect ―Richard Coates
Concerning Richard Jefferies and English Country Life ―George H. Bell
A Labour of Love― P.J. Kavanagh
Richard Jefferies as a Journalist―unsigned
The Red-deer of Exmoor―unsigned
Richard Jefferies’ Somerset Venture—Phyllis Treitel
Introduction to ‘Saint Guido’― J. Ramsay MacDonald
More than a Remembered Moment (poem)―Ronald Richard Cretchley
On Reading Richard Jefferies in the Open (poem)―Gladys Marshall Stevenson
Preacher Praise―Frank W. Boreham
The Betterment of Hodge―Cyril Wright
Reminiscences of Richard Jefferies By An Admirer―Unsigned
Cosmic Consciousness―Edward Carpenter
Richard Jefferies (a study in two parts)―G.R. Stirling Taylor
‘One of the Very Greatest of God’s Naturalists’―Unsigned
‘Why I do not like Richard Jefferies’― L.G. Payne
Richard Jefferies as a Descriptive Writer―Irving Muntz
Transcendent Sound: The Listening Spirit in Richard Jefferies and his Contemporaries ―Seán Street
Book Review: Finding W.H. Hudson by Conor Mark Jameson―Blake Lee-Harwood

Number 40 − 2025 - to be published

Editorial Comment —Peter Robins and Jean Saunders
A Great Agricultural Problem―Richard Jefferies
The Rating of Personal Property ―Richard Jefferies
A Brief History of Jefferies Farm —Jean Martin
A French Naturalist―Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies under ‘happy circumstances’―Phyllis Treitel
Richard Jefferies’ Exmoor Summer―Berta Lawrence
Richard Jefferies―Victor Benjamin Neuburg
Richard Jefferies: 1848–1948―D.E. Marshall
The Queen’s Dolls’ House Library—Peter Robins
Richard Jefferies―Edward Thomas
Reviews of The Dewy Morn―various
An Introduction to The Dewy Morn―Rebecca Welshman
The Last Will and Testament of John Jefferies—John Jefferies
Three Nature Writers: Walton, White and Jefferies— G. Forrester Scott
Richard Jefferies―Henry Williamson
Richard Jefferies Naturalist and Idealist―Henry D. Shawcross
Robert Nichols: Poet and Playwright―Peter Robins
‘Sweetest of All Things’―Robert Connell
‘The Summer Psalms of Richard Jefferies’―Arthur Harvie
‘Jefferiesian Warblings’—anon
The Forward Life of Jessie Phyllis Jefferies 1880-1958—Jean Saunders
Book Review Roger Ebbatson’s Perception, Class and Environment in the Works of Thomas Hardy—Barry Sloan
Index to Journals 36−40