All of the pdf documents can be accessed from one folder here.
“The Amateur Poacher” - Talk given by Mrs. F. J. Gay (April 1st
2. “Thomas Hardy and Richard Jefferies” - Text of talk given by Mrs. A. M. Ward (March 5th 1973)
3. “Bevis. The Story of a Boy” - Mr. Mark Daniel (February 3rd 1975) (with map of Bevis’s homelands)
4. “Observers of the Uffington White Horse and Wayland’s Smithy”. Mr. J. E. Little (April 7th 1975)
5. “Edward Thomas, Richard Jefferies and Wiltshire” - Prof W. J. Keith, Ph.D., M.A. (June 7th 1976)
6. “Richard Jefferies A Popular Introduction to his Life and Writings”. - Talk given to Swindon Branch of the W.E.A. by Mr. Cyril F. Wright (July 19th 1975).
7. “The Windhover and Richard Jefferies.” - Prof. J. R. Ebbatson from ‘English’ (1974)
8. “Hardy and Richard Jefferies”. Prof. J. R. Ebbatson from ‘The Hardy Society Review’ (1976) with acknowledgements to the Thomas Hardy Society.
9. “Reminiscences of Richard Jefferies”. - Audrey Horsell from The Countryman April 1936 with acknowledgements.
10. “Country Author - Richard Jefferies.” by Gabriel Seal from The Countryman, Winter 1956 with acknowledgements.
11. “Richard Jefferies - Humanist Mystic”. by Mr. R. J. Lumsden from New Humanist January 1974 (with portrait).
12. “Thoughts on the Labour Question”. Graeme Woolaston from ‘Notes and Queries’ March 1975. A piece of original research to prove the early dating of Jefferies’ article.
13. “Return to Jefferies’ Country” by Mark Daniel (Illus.). From Country Life (Dec. 12th 1974), with acknowledgements.
14. “In the Footprints of Richard Jefferies” by (Philip) Edward Thomas, from ‘The New Era’ (April 2nd 1896). Believed to be Thomas’s earliest published article. With new introduction by Dr. Keith.
15. “Humanity and Natural History” by Richard Jefferies from ‘Knowledge’ (January 5th 1883)
16. “The Artist as Reformer”. Notes by Mrs. Nora Wright of the Birthday Lecture given by Mr. R. J. L. Anderson on November 1st 1976 and reproduced with his approval.
17. “Nature’s Philosopher”. by Paul Humphreys from The Lady November 25th 1976 by courtesy of the Publishers.
18. “Richard Jefferies and Sussex”. by Mr. A. H. Anderson from Sussex County Magazine, Vol. XI No. 8 1937.
19. “Richard Jefferies”. by Edward Thomas, from the 12-part magazine ‘The Book of the Open Air’. Edited by Edward Thomas.
20. “Over Marlboro”, by Wilfrid Ewart (1892-1922) from ‘Aspects of England’ (Published 1937)
21. “Visions of Wild England - William Morris and Richard Jefferies”. by Prof. J. R. Ebbatson. Reproduced from the ‘Journal of the William Morris Society’, Spring 1977 with acknowledgements.
22. “Richard Jefferies in Surrey”. by Cyril Wright. A Talk given to the Society on December 5th 1977.
23. “Edward and Helen Thomas - Our Parents”. by Myfanwy Thomas - a talk given to the Society on April 4th 1977.
24. “A Tribute to Henry Williamson - 1895-1977”. - President of the Richard Jefferies Society (1965-1975), by Prof. W. J. Keith, Peter Robins, Edna Manning, and Brian Fullagar. With an extract from the Obituary Notice in The Times. Cover design and introduction by Brian Fullagar.
25. “The Nature Mysticism of Richard Jefferies”. - Text of a sermon given by the Rev. Henry Hall on Oct 12th 1958. The Rev. Hall was a member of the Society up to his death in January 1975 at the age of 88. These notes were supplied by his widow.
26. “A Labour of Love”, by P. J. Kavanaugh. Text of BBC Broadcast Talk given by the Author on Radio 3/4 on Tues. May 9th 1978 (Abridged version of lecture given to the RJ Society in the Wyvern Theatre Arts Centre, Swindon on Monday Nov. 7th 1977) Reproduced with acknowledgements to the Author and to the BBC.
27. “The Unconscious Teaching of the Country; A Re-reading of Bevis The Story of a Boy”. by Graham Stoate M.A. reproduced from ‘Childrens Literature in Education’ Vol. 8 No. 1 1977 with the consent of the Author, and with acknowledgements to APS Publications Inc., New York. With three of the original E.H. Shepard illustrations.
28. “Richard Jefferies in Crowborough”. by Mr. W. R. Salkeld. Reproduced from the ‘Journal of the Crowborough Field Society* No. 1 Oct 1973. By permission of the Author and the Crowborough Field Society.
29. “Wild Life in a Southern County”. The Birthday Lecture by Dr. Desmond Hawkins O.B.E. given on Monday November 6th 1978 in the Joliffe Studio, Wyvern Theatre, Swindon.
30. “The Marabar Echo, Forster and Jefferies”. by J. R. Ebbatson M.A., reproduced from ‘Notes and Queries’. August 1978 by permission of the Author, and with acknowledgements to the Publishers.
31. “The Forbears of Richard Jefferies”. by ‘Jefferies Luckett’ (Fanny Catherine Hall) from Country Life March 14th 1908.
32. “Lives and Works of Richard Jefferies”. by Q. D. Leavis from ScrutinyMarch 1938.
33. “The Betterment of Hodge”, by Cyril F. Wright. Talk given to the Richard Jefferies Society Feb. 4th 1980 to mark the centenary of Hodge and his Masters.
34. “A Source for Lawrence’s ‘Snake’“. by J. R. Ebbatson, in which he points to a derivative from ‘The Story of my Heart’. Reproduced by permission of the Author, and by courtesy of The D. H. Lawrence Society from ‘The D. H. Lawrence Society Journal’, Vol. No. 1 issue No. 3 1978.
35. “The Rise of Maximin”. A talk by John Pearson, Editor of ‘Landscape and Labour’ to the Richard Jefferies Society in the Wyvern Arts Centre,Swindon, on the 14th April 1980.
36. “Richard Jefferies: Religious or a Non-Religious” by C. Bintcliffe Mr. Bintcliffe, a member of the Society being unable to accept an invitation to give a Talk, offered in its place, this article.
37. “The Novels of Richard Jefferies”. by J. W. Blench, Cambridge JournalVol.VII March 1954, Reproduced by permission of the author Dr. J. W. Blench.
38. “The Archaelogical Contribution of Richard Jefferies” by Mr. L. V. Grinsell from ‘The Transactions of the Newbury and District Field Club’ Vol. VIII 1940.
38a. “The Country Road of Richard Jefferies” from The Spread Eagle, Vol 15, 1940 by L. V. Grinsell.
38b “Notes on an undescribed Stone
Circle at Coate near Swindon” by A. D. Passmore from ‘Wiltshire
Archaeological and Natural History Magazine’ No. 27 1893.
39. “Samuel J. Looker, Writer, Journalist, Editor, Councillor, Authority on Richard Jefferies: A Tribute” by various contributors including, Cyril Wright, Donald Berwick, Prof. W. J, Keith, Crichton Porteous, Edna Manning, Robert Wright etc. together with photographs loaned by Miss J. Looker.
40. “J. W. North, his associations with Richard Jefferies and his family” by Mrs. Berta Lawrence, author of ‘A Somerset Journal’ ‘Discovering the Quantocks’ etc. This article was written specially for the Richard Jefferies Society, and is published in this series with her permission.
41. “Report on the Richard Jefferies Centenary”. by Henry Williamson from ‘The Adelphi’ Oct/Dec 1948. Based on the author’s participation in the celebrations at Swindon.
42. “Jessie Jefferies - Lest We Forget”. by Peter K. Robins and Cyril F Wright. A tribute, to the wife of Richard Jefferies, using historical material, references and local research.
43. “The Dawn and Richard Jefferies”. Lecture given to the Richard Jefferies Society at Swindon on Monday March 2nd 1981. By Andrew Rossabi, writer and critic. By permission.
44. “An Island in Sunshine”. by Florence E. Pettit reproduced with her permission from ‘The Lady’ of Sept. 18th 1969. With photographs by the late Mr. Edward Reeves of Lewes. An evocative and nostalgic article, sharing Jefferies’ delight in the beauty of Wolstonbury Hill near Brighton.
45. “Richard Jefferies”. by George E. Dartnell with 18pp bibliography. Published in ‘Wilts Arch, and Nat, History Magazine’ No. XXVII June 1898.
46. “Summer in Somerset”. by Richard Jefferies, with nine drawings by his friend J. W. North. From ‘ New English Illustrated Magazine’ (1887/8). Reprinted later in ‘Field and Hedgerow’ 1889 without illustrations. This paper makes an interesting supplement to Mrs. Berta Lawrence’s article on J. W. North and the Jefferies family (Index No. 40)
47. “Richard Jefferies, Man of the Fields” Looker/Porteous 1965 Notes and Corrections For the Guidance of Readers and Students With brief notes on the six contributors: Prof W. J. Keith: Mr. Cyril Wright: Prof. Alain Delattre: Dr. John Pearson: Mr. George Miller: Mr. Hugoe Matthews.
48. “Richard Jefferies and Edward Thomas - A Spring, An Inscription and a Secret” - A Talk given to the Richard Jefferies Society in Swindon on Feb 6th 1984 by Kim Taplin, Poet, Critic and Author of ‘The English Path’
49. “Richard Jefferies” . An essay from the late Dr John A. T. Robinson’s book ‘The Roots of a Radical (SCM Press Ltd 1980 £3.50 Paperback). With acknowledgements to SCM Press and to the Trustees of the late Dr John Robinson.
50. “Introducing John Burroughs 1837-1921”. A paper read to the Richard Jefferies Society in Swindon by Mrs. Phyllis Treitel M.A.(Oxen) on Dec 3rd 1984. Copyright-Phyllis Treitel, who has given permission for this reproduction. John Burroughs was an American writer and nature-lover and a contemporary of Jefferies. Included with the talk are copies of the readings given by Kim Taplin from Burroughs’ writings.
51. “The Life of the Fields”, by Robert Albright M.A. (Oxen). A talk given to the Richard Jefferies Society in Swindon on Feb 4th 1985. Jefferies’ book of this title was published in 1884. Text of this talk is reproduced by permission.
52. “Saint Guido” by Richard Jefferies, with vignettes and decorative borders on each of the 12 pages by the artist Alfred Parsons. From their first printing in ‘The English Illustrated Magazine’. Dec. 1884. The essay later appeared in ‘The Open Air’ 1885.
53. “Walks in the Wheatfields”. by Richard Jefferies (Part 1) with five drawings by F. Macnab. From their first printing in ‘The English Illustrated Magazine’ July 1887. The first and second parts of this essay were later published in Field and Hedgerow (1889)
54. “Collecting Country Writers: 1 - Richard Jefferies and Alfred Williams” By John Musty, from Antiquarian and Book Monthly Review, June 1984. Reproduced by permission of the author (copyright)
55. “An English Deer Park” by Richard Jefferies. As first published in The Century Magazine (USA) Vol. XXXVI No. 6 Oct. 1888. With nine illustrations. This essay later appeared in ‘Field and Hedgerow’ 1889.
56. “Richard Jefferies and the Browns of Coate” by J. A. Brown, East Bridgeford, Nottingham. Paper outlining the author’s descent from the Coate family, of whom Job and John, who feature in Jefferies’ writings, were members. Photographs and maps. (Copyright of the Author)
57(A) “The Influence of Richard Jefferies upon Henry Williamson” Part 1 by Dr. J. W. Blench. From the Durham University Journal Volume LXXIX No. 1 December 1986.
57(B) “The
Influence of Richard Jefferies upon Henry Williamson” Part 2 by Dr. J.
W. Blench. From the Durham University Journal Volume LXXIX No. 2
June 1987.
58. “Shanklin Villa and its People” Cyril Wright and others. Shanklin Villa at Sydenham, in south-east London was the home of Jefferies’ aunt and uncle, Ellen and Thomas Harrild. He spent much of his early childhood with them. This is an account of the association of the house with the Harrild, Gyde, Jefferies, Billing and Baxter families.
59. “Richard Jefferies’ Mysticism” by Edna Manning. Reproduced by permission from Here and Now, Vol. 13 No. 93 February 1952
60. “The Study of Jefferies: Present Achievements, Future Challenges” by Prof. W. J. Keith. Presented at the Commemorative Weekend in the Art Centre,Swindon from the Centenary of the death of Richard Jefferies, July 31st 1987.
61. “‘Wood Notes Wild’ Trees and Woods in Jefferies’ Imagination” by Kim Taplin. Presented at the Commemorative Weekend in the Art Centre, Swindon on August 1st 1987, for the Centenary of the death of Richard Jefferies.
62. “John Richard Jefferies - His Worst and his Best”. Prof. Alain Delattre’s talk at the Commemorative Weekend in Swindon. August 2nd 1987. Reproduced by permission.
63. “Richard Jefferies and Buddhist Ideas”. Sugaki Arimoto, Emeritus Education, Japan. Reproduced in pamphlet form with the author’s permission, and with acknowledgements to the Editors.
64. “The
Man with a word for Nature’s Glories”. Reprod. from “Evening
Advertiser”, Swindon Sept. 15th 1976. Illus. A plea for better
local recognition of Richard Jefferies. “The Man with an
eye for Sussex”. West Sussex Gazette Jan 9th 1986 about Jefferies’
days at Brighton, and on the Sussex Downs. Both by Mark Daniel, with his
66. “The
Later Novels of Richard Jefferies”. Text, with quotations, of the Talk
given to the Society by Colin Blundell in Swindon on February 6th 1989, under
the title of “Richard Jefferies -Novelist?”
67. “Richard Jefferies and the English Countryside”. Article by Philip Drew, reproduced from “Victorian Studies”, Dec. 1967. Recommended by Andrew Rossabi.
68. “Richard Jefferies” - An Introduction to his Life and Work” by Andrew Rossabi; being the text of a Lecture given to The Birmingham and Midland Institute (The Vinrace Lecture) on Oct 31st 1988; and to the Wilts. Archaeological and Natural History Society on June 29th 1989.
69. “The Story of my Heart: A Theological Reflection and Critique”. by Graham Gould, M.A., Ph.D. A Paper read to the December 1988 meeting of The Richard Jefferies Society.
70. “Richard Jefferies and Alfred Williams”. - Similarities and differences by Alan Johnston - A paper read to the February 1992 Joint Meeting of R. J. Society and Friends of Alfred Williams.
71. ‘Richard Jefferies’: an article by Frederick Greenwood, Editor of Pall Mall Gazette, published in The Scots Observer August 2nd 1890.
72. The 1992 Birthday Lecture : Surbiton and RJ, given to the Richard Jefferies Society by the President, Andrew Rossabi, on Saturday October 3rd 1992.
73. Monograph by Professor Alain Dellatre on the French translation of ‘After London’ by Evelyrie Chatelain (1993)
74. A report
by London Ecology Unit on the Surbiton Richard Jefferies Bird Sanctuary (l993)
75. ‘Richard Jefferies and Sensibility’. Birthday Lecture by Robert Albright, 1993.
76. “Sussex and Richard Jefferies” by Andrew Rossabi, 1995.
77. Introduction by Andrew Rossabi to a new edition of Jefferies’ novel Restless Human Hearts (Petton Books, 2008).
78. “The Land that Richard Jefferies Inherited” Birthday Lecture by Eric L. Jones, 2nd October 2004.
79. “The Jefferies-Williams Memorial Scheme” by J B Jones. An account of the trials and tribulations to erect a memorial stone to Jefferies and Williams on Liddington Hill along with text of correspondence.
79a. “J B Jones: Champion of Jefferies” a talk given by Phyllis Treitel to the Richard Jefferies Society on 3 November 1997 that refers to the correspondence.
80. “Edward Thomas: Prose and Poetry” a talk given by Richard Stewart to the Richard Jefferies Society’s Study Day on 29 July 2006 that includes the text of poems selected.
81. “Richard Jefferies and Other Writers” a talk given by Paul Casimir, A.L.A. [a Swindon librarian and poet], to the Richard Jefferies Society on 21 February 1956
82. “Richard Jefferies” by Keith Wilson, University of Ottawa, written for the Dictionary of Literary Biography: British Essayists, 1880-1960 Robert Baum edition, Detroit Gale, 1990 pp 192-204.
83 “Prophecy and Utopia: Richard Jefferies and the Transcendalists” by Roger Ebbatson. A paper published in the Spring edition, 2007 of The Glasspp 42-49.
84 Jefferies Farm owners by Frances Gay.
85 E.H. Shepard and Bevis from Shepard’s note books.
86 “Richard Jefferies and Coate” by Reginald Arkell. An article published in Country Life on the 18th of June 1948 (pages 1224-5).
87 Bevis and Arthur Ransome’s Swallowdale by Janice M. Lingley. An article with a map of the New Sea produced for the Arthur Ransome Society and the Richard Jefferies Society. The article available here was published in the RJS Journal 23, Summer 2012, pp.17-25 but with the added bonus of a full-colour drawing of the map.
88 The Interpreter: a biography of Richard Jefferies by Audrey Smith. Written in 1976, this manuscript (60,000 words) was sent to the Richard Jefferies Society in November 2007 by the author’s son not long after her death. Later published by the RJS.
89 Edward Thomas, Swinburne and Richard Jefferies: “The dead oak tree bough.” Nick Freeman, Loughborough University article for English Literature in Transition, 51-2, 2008 pp164-183.
90 Dialect Words used by Richard Jefferies in 22 of his books compiled by Mark Daniel for a lecture to the Society dated 4th April 2005.
91 Henry Salt: Chronology basis of the RJS Annual Birthday Lecture 1991 by John Pontin that indicates key dates between 1851-1939 with reference to individuals that had an influence on Salt and his books.
92 Some Nature Writers and Civilisation by Henry Williamson read on 9 October 1959 (Wedmore Memorial Lecture) and published in Essays by Divers Hands being the transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, OUP 1960.
93 ‘Prophetic Landscapes: Thomas Hardy and Richard Jefferies’ - Professor Roger Ebbatson’s chapter that forms part of the Moment of Earth: Poems & Essays in Honour of Jeremy Hooker, ed. Christopher Meredith (Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications, 2007)
94 ‘Snowed Up: A Mistletoe Story’ by Richard Jefferies. Short story based on the diary of “Edie” who recounts a heavy snowfall in London (possibly related to an event in Dec 1874), published in Literary Theories: A case study in critical performance” with commentaries by Julian Wolfreys and William Baker (1996).
95 George Miller’s “Discoveries”. Since the publication of The Bibliographical Study of Richard Jefferies, George Miller has made many new discoveries that are being published in the Richard Jefferies Society Journal and in newsletters. This is an ongoing project.
96 Comprehending the Void: Archaeology and the Transcendental in The Story of my Heart by Rebecca Welshman. Paper presented at ‘Disrupting Victorian Studies’ conference: the 39th Meeting of the Victorians Institute at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, Oct 3-4, 2008.
97 An
introduction to Jefferies’ World’s End by Andrew
Rossabi, new edition, Petton Books, October 2008.
98 “Landscape & Machine: Hardy, Jefferies & the question of technology” by Prof. Roger Ebbatson for Writing Technologies, vol. 2.2 (2009) pp.35-54 – online publication at
99 Introduction to Jefferies’ The Scarlet Shawl by Andrew Rossabi, new edition, Petton Books, August 2009.
100 “Machiavelli: A Study” by Richard Jefferies, 1877. Published in RJS Journal 2011 pp.3-12
101 “The Great Earth Speaking”: Richard Jefferies and the transcendentalists – article by Roger Ebbatson published in Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities (Rodopi, 2010, pp.129-139). 11 pages.
102 Extract from The Bryanston Miscellany, 1958. Contribution of article by Samuel Looker on some Jefferies’ unpublished MSS.
103 “The Homes and Haunts of Richard Jefferies”, 1903. Article by Darby Stafford with photographs of Coate, English Illustrated Magazine, pp431-7.
104 “Sterilisation” – article in the Jamaican The Daily Gleaner 8 Sep 1937 arguing against sterilisation as a means to control “unfit” people – RJ cited as a genius who might have qualified as “unfit”.
“Swindon and Its History and Antiquities” by Richard Jefferies.
Talk given to the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society AGM on
16 September 1878. Published in WAANH Magazine, March 1874, No XLI, Vol XIV,
pages 180-186.
106 Moredon
Farm House: Letter by J B Jones sent to Swindon Advertiser May 1947
mentioning that RJ’s grandfather was born here.
107 Electric
Eden by Rob Young (London: Faber & Faber, 2010) – Ch 2 that
mentions RJ.
108 “Antibodies” by Paul Cadence (complete booklet), 2010 – discusses RJ and others.
109 The Coate Reservoir System with a map and two photographs by J B Jones, Swindon Press Ltd., November 1944 plus press cutting of letter to Swindon Advertiser date 1 August 1944.
110 Exchange of letters between Walter Besant and the Bishop of Salisbury dated May-June 1990 – Swindon Library.
111 Christine Billing’s address on the opening of the Richard Jefferies Museum – 24 June 1960. Transcript held at Swindon Library.
112 “The
Man in the Tumulus” by J B Jones; article in the Herald &Advertiser dated
17 July 1942 debating the possible location of Jefferies’ tumulus.
113 Round About Coate by P. Anderson Graham. Article in The Art Journal, January 1893, pp 16-21, illustrations by Tidmarsh.
114 Field Names in Richard Jefferies' Round About a Great Estate, by Janice Lingley who explores the origin of field names mentioned in the book. June 2018, and revised in March 2019.
115 Richard Jefferies:
Field-Naturalist and Litterateur, by Oswald Crawfurd, illustrated by
Val Davies, The Idler, October 1898.
116 A New Magazine – Richard Jefferies’ conspectus – an unpublished item written presumably to sell the idea of a new magazine to publishers, circa 1875. Published in RJS Journal 24 (winter 2012).
117 Machiavelli Writes the Future: History& Progress in Richard Jefferies’sAfter London , by Caroline Sumpter. Published in Nineteenth-Century Contexts,Vol 33, No. 4, September 2011, pp. 315-331.
118 Reminiscences of Swindon and the Jefferies’ family by Fanny Catherine Hall and Florence (Hall) Bott [RJ’s cousins] for their nieces, 1937.
119 Richard Jefferies: the Story of a Quest by Samuel Looker. Staffordshire County Pictorial May-June 1950, Vol II No 8.
120 Audubon Magazine article, 1948 This article was published for an American audience in 1948 who may have been familiar with the work of Thoreau and Burroughs but not aware of the English counterpart - Richard Jefferies.
121 Un
Athée: Contribution à la reforme d'une certaine idée de Dieu
(An Atheist: Contribution to the reform of a certain idea of God)
Rough translation of a French publication that discusses Jefferies’
religious beliefs based on The Story of My Heart which is
extensively quoted in translation. The booklet reproduces a study presented at
the St. Croix Student Conference, September 1904, by Wilfred Monod, and was
published by the Association Chrétienne Suisse d'Etudiants. It is the
only known attempt to translate The Story in French.
122 Edward Thomas’s Sonnet
‘February Afternoon’: The Dreamer and the Dream by Janice Lingley.
First published in the Journal of the Friends of the Dymock Poets,
No 18, 2019, pp.90-100.
123 John Luckett Jefferies' Artwork.
John Luckett was Richard Jefferies' uncle who also died at a very young age
from tuberculosis. Some of his paintings and sketches are in a family
collection held at the Richard Jefferies Museum.
124 The Magic of the Fields. Published
in Nature in Books by P.A. Graham (Methuen 1891), pp.1-43.
125 Unveiling the plaque at 22
Victoria Street, Swindon. The ceremony (meeting at the Town Hall followed
by the unveiling of the plaque on 15 November 1902) was reported in the Swindon
Advertiser 21 November 1902 and this includes the full text of the
addresses made by the invited guests including that of Lord Avebury, who
unveiled the plaque.
126 Richard Jefferies: Nature
Writing Power by Dr Will Abberley. Lecture presented to the
Swindon Festival of Literature, 9 May 2019, Arts Centre, Swindon. The text is
reproduced with the kind permission of Dr. Abberley.
127 History of Cirencester by Richard Jefferies. Unedited text of the eleven chapters published in the Wilts & Goucestershire Standard from March to October 1870. Further chapters were anticipated.
128 History of Swindon by Richard Jefferies (under the pseudonym ‘Geoffrey’). Unedited text of the eight chapters published in the North Wilts Herald from October 1867 to February 1868. An edited (Grace Toplis) and incomplete version of the text was published as Jefferies Land in 1896.
129 History of Malmesbury by Richard Jefferies (under the pseudonym ‘Geoffrey’). Unedited text of the twenty one chapters published in the North Wilts Herald from April to September 1867. An edited version of the chapters was published in 1985 as A Return to Jefferies Land.
130 The Jefferies Farmstead Report by Clive Carter and Jean Martin on the evolution of the Jefferies' farmstead, ‘Jefferies Farm, Coate, Swindon’; a study produced in July 2013 on the initiative of Jean Saunders as part of the Wiltshire Buildings Record Farmstead Project.
131 Richard Jefferies & Cirencester by
Prof Eric Jones. The transcript of a talk given to the Cirencester Civic
Society on 18 November 2019.
132 Gurdjieff, Magnetic Centre and Richard
Jefferies by Colin Blundell. Reproduced here with the author’s kind
permission. It was first published on 6 December 2019 at this link.
133 Maps, Power, and Affect in Richard Jefferies
and Anthony Trollope by Andrew Hewitt. First published in Victorian
Popular Fictions Journal (Vol. I issue 2, autumn 2019), pp.123–134
that can be downloaded at this link.
134 'A Great Agricultural Problem', Richard Jefferies' last contribution to Fraser's Magazine, published in March 1878 and uncollected. It is a wake-up call to English farmers to bestir themselves and counter the threat posed by the mass of French imports of butter, cheese, etc.
135 The Forward Life of Phyllis Hargrave, by Jean Saunders, October 2020. Phyllis was the only daughter of Richard and Jessie Jefferies.
136 Jefferies and the Sea. Andrew Rossabi explores the important role of the sea in Jefferies' works. Written circa 2007.
137 The True Richard Jefferies by Samuel J. Looker (1949). A pamphlet produced by Looker as "an examination of the misunderstanding of Malcolm Elwin in The Essential Richard Jefferies."
138 The Mary Cox 'Private Journal. Mary Cox was a first cousin of Richard Jefferies who also lived on a farm opposite Coate farm. This is the only known diary that is known and runs from 8 February 1887 to 16 October 1889 and covers the time when Richard died. Mary moved from Coate to Colne Mead, West Drayton along with her brother Tom and mother. She records several trips to Swindon to visit family and friends and spends her days knitting, sewing, letter-writing and socialising.
139 The Home and Haunts of Richard Jefferies, by Derby Stafford, The English Illustrated Magazine, February 1905. The illustrated article only covers the Coate area.
140 Charles Sorley. An Assessment by W J Earp, 1984. and 'Sorley's Signpost' by J. Runcie, The Malburian 1976
141 Geoffrey Winthrop Young & Bevis, by Jean Saunders. A talk to the Richard Jefferies Society at the Richard Jefferies Museum, 10 May 2014.
142 Richard Jefferies' Father An article by W J Keith, Nov 1966. See also article by Isabella Warde (Country Life, 21 March 1908), p.43 who knew James Luckett Jefferies in Bath (published in RJS Journal No.25 [2013], p.4-5).
143 Richard Jefferies Somerset Venture -- a talk by Phyllis
Treitel to the Richard Jefferies Society on 13/2/1995 at the Arts Centre,
144 Wealth, Work and Wiltshire -- a talk about Richard Jefferies by Phyllis Treitel to Swindon U3A on 12/4/1999 at Wroughton.
145 Would RJ have made a more successful art critic than an expert on rural life? --talk by Phyllis Treitel for the Richard Jefferies Society Study Day held on 27 July 2002 at the Arts Centre, Swindon.
146 Richard Jefferies ‘under happy circumstances’: the 5 years at Surbiton, & their importance to him -- a talk by Phyllis Treitel to the Richard Jefferies Society at the Arts Centre, Swindon on 2 February 1987.
147 Towards the ‘Cottage Charter’: The Expressive Culture of Farm Workers in Nineteenth-Century England by Ian Dyck. Published in Rural History, Vol I, No I, April 1990 pp.95–111.
148 The Art and Craft of Richard Jefferies by John Savage. Text of Birthday Lecture given to the Richard Jefferies Society on 21 October 2000.
149 The Other Side: Richard Jefferies’ View of America by Phyllis Treitel. This article was published in the Richard Jefferies Society Journal No. 2 [1993], pp.25–29.
150a A Dialogue with Nature: Richard Jefferies’ Wood Magic -- article written by Akio Kadoi for The English and American Literature Review (Tokyo, Winter 1995), and translated by Hiroko Keith.
150b On Nature and Man Described by Richard Jefferies -- article written by Akio Kadoi for The English and American Literature Review (Tokyo, Winter 1994), and translated by Hiroko Keith.
151 References to Flora and Fauna in Nature Near London -- compiled by Margaret Evans, February 2004, for a Richard Jefferies Museum project. Specimens are listed in alphabetical order followed by Jefferies’ quotes from the text of the book. The document is available now with the kind permission of Margaret Evans (29/7/2021).
152 Richard Jefferies: a Select Bibliography of Biography and Criticism by Neil Heinz and published by the Library School, Wellington, New Zealand, 1976.
153 Notes and Corrections to Richard Jefferies: Man of the Fields by Samuel J. Looker & Crichton Porteous. Published in 1965 by John Baker and Country Book Club in 1966. Samuel Looker collected a considerable amount of material for this Biography, but before it could be sorted and assembled, he was overtaken by illness, which led to his death in January 1965. The task of compiling the book was undertaken by his friend and fellow-author, Mr. Crichton Porteous, and inevitably some errors, both factual and typographical, went undetected. This paper points to errors.
154 Richard Jefferies' Poets. A list of poem titles and poets who have dedicated their words to Richard Jefferies.
155 List of Author Inscribed and Association Copies of Richard Jefferies' Books. The list was compiled by George Miller and updated when new finds come to light. It was first published in the RJS Journal No. 34 (2019) pp.124-132. Currently updated to December 2022.
156 Richard Jefferies. An article by P.A. Graham, illustrated by Tidmarsh, first published in Country Life on 12 October 1901.
157 a Richard Jefferies: Nature Writer and Mystic. The text of a lecture by Andrew Rossabi presented to the School of Philosophy's summer programme on 24 August 2023.
157b Slides for the above lecture.