
A sum of up to £2000 is available to support costs associated with ongoing, high-quality research projects which serve to promote new understanding of the writings of Richard Jefferies, or of the issues which relate to or arise from his work. This could, for example, take the form of new approaches to his life or his work, or a wider consideration of his place in late-19C agrarian and nature writing.

The bursary will be restricted to one award per project, and applications are invited from individuals and groups, postgraduate students, tenured and independent scholars, researchers and from members of the Richard Jefferies Society.

Typically the bursary might assist with costs incurred to:

 ·        secure permissions to reproduce copyright material

·        create an index

·        visit an archive or other location to study key resources

·        support the development of an output in print or other media (e.g.  film, digital resource)

·        extend Jefferies’ appeal to a potentially new and wider audience through cultural, literary or musical projects that are connected to the work of Richard Jefferies.

In all cases the applicant must provide a breakdown of how the sum requested is to be used. Other kinds of request will be considered, but will not include a bursary to provide IT equipment, to meet tuition fees or to cover conference costs.

Overseas applicants must be made aware that any decision taken will be influenced by the feasibility of conducting the proposed project from a distance.  

The application may be made at any time of the year, and would be considered at the subsequent meeting of the Richard Jefferies Society Executive Council. The Executive Council only meets three times a year – February, June and October. Please allow for some delay in reaching a decision about the project.

All applicants who are unknown to the Society will be asked to provide the name of a referee, who can vouch for the candidate, and a C.V.  


Please note that successful applicants will receive their bursary payment on invoice to the Richard Jefferies Society.  

 The Society expects full acknowledgement of the bursary, a report on the completion of the project, and the possibility of publication, where appropriate, in the Richard Jefferies Society Journal.

Application forms can be obtained on request from 
or download here.